KS3 Art
Curriculum Breakdown
Year 7
I Can Draw
- Contextual Research
- Observational Recording
- Exploring media
- Scale/Proportion
- Tone/Mark-making

Year 8
- Contextual research
- Observational Recording
- Investigating line, tone, mark-making, texture
- Experimenting with repeat printing process

Year 9
Recording from Observation
- Contextual Research
- Drawing and Painting
- Experimenting with media and techniques
- Investigating line, tone, mark-making, texture

- Contextual
- Observational recording
- Colour
- Exploring ‘self’
- Experimenting with media and techniques

3D Form
- Contextual investigation
- Observational Recording
- Investigating 3D media and techniques
- Relief form
- Investigating 3D Form

- Contextual research
- Observational recording
- Expressive mark-making
- Investigating line, tone, mark-making, texture
- Investigating another type of printmaking

- Contextual
- Observational Recording
- Investigating different media and scale
- Mark-making

Recording from Observation
- Contextual Research
- Observational Recording
- Exploring media and techniques
- Tone/Hue/Mark-making
- Colour Theory

3D Form
- Contextual Research
- Observational Recording
- Investigating 3D Media and Techniques
- Making connections with Art and DT

KS4 Art
Curriculum Breakdown
The OCR Art and Design GCSE specification builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding for all art, craft and design work explored in KS3 and expands on this knowledge.
It allows learners to explore a wide range of media, techniques and processes.
Learners are encouraged to work creatively and independently. It is designed to encourage learners to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding along with creativity and imagination. They are expected to respond personally to a range of visual and written stimuli throughout the course and will develop a number of core skills; including practical skills and an understanding of a range of Contextual Work
Assessment for the Art and Design GCSE consists of the following;
Portfolio; Worth 60% of the final Grade.
The students will be given a starting point by the teacher.
This portfolio will consist of a project, theme or course of study. It may be presented in appropriate form for the Unendorsed specification title. For example, sketchbooks, digital presentations, mounted sheets, maquettes, prototypes, animated work, scale models or illustrated written work.
Set Task; Worth 40% of the final Grade.
The Exam board will send us a pre-release paper at the beginning of January (Year 11) with five starting points. The student will select one theme and will Develop and Investigate a personal response over at least 10 weeks. The final piece for this Unit will be produced in a 10 hour Exam (completed over two days).
Students who have completed the Art and Design GCSE have frequently gone onto successful Further Education Courses via A Levels at TCC – especially at Plymouth College of Art and Falmouth University.