The Pastoral Care Structure at Torpoint Community College
Pastoral Support Team / Emotional Heath and Wellbeing
At Torpoint Community College we want all our students to feel well supported and safe which is why is we put student wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that good pastoral support focuses on meeting the needs of individuals and that flexibility and adaptability are key. We aim to build trusting and empathic relationships with our students and their families.
Our pastoral support team is made up of a number of different staff. This includes our Heads of Year, SENCo, Safeguarding Lead, Pastoral Support Assistants, Behaviour Support Team, Student Support Team, and our attendance officers. Together these staff work with students to ensure they are fully supported within the college.
Pastoral care underpins personal developments and all staff at the College play a key role in supporting students. We know from experience that with outstanding personal care students feel a sense of belonging and they feel valued and cared for. This is essential for students to thrive and feel safe in seeking any support they may need. Students have a wide variety of staff they can go to for help and we will always ensure that sensitive and non-judgmental support is offered.
Examples of Pastoral Care Work
- Students have a 30-minute registration period at the start of each day. In a typical week, students will have a mixture of tutor led activities to support a specific aspect of their development alongside opportunities to work on their revision and retrieval skills
- After College ‘Tea and Chat’ with our health and wellbeing Co-Ordinator
- Self referral to the SSC and Hub. Students are encouraged to share concerns, with pastoral support staff at all times
- Worries@TCC. Worry box outside the library and college email address. These are monitored by the college safeguarding lead and allow students to share concerns with staff
- Rigorous behaviour monitoring and looking for possible causes of the behaviour. Students on behaviour report receive regular mentoring sessions with our pastoral support assistants
- Displays around the school promoting wellbeing
- Regular mental health sessions as part of our morning tutor sessions/ assembly programme
- Nurture Groups run by the Student Support Centre
- In house ‘counselling’ service with our pastoral support
- Referrals to external agencies; school nurse, Camhs, Kernow Connect, Headstart
- Anxiety, self-esteem and resilience workshops; Action for Children, Plymouth Argyle
- Enhanced transition activities for KS2-KS3 for identified students
- Targeted attendance support programmes
Who To Contact
Your first point of contact is your child’s tutor, who will see your child every day, and know them well.
Each Key Stage is also supported by a Pastoral Support Worker and a Head of Year who should be contacted in an emergency or for serious concerns.
Head of Year 7:
Miss Howard
Head of Year 8:
Miss Lindup
Head of Year 9:
Mrs Gardener
Head of Year 10
Mrs Hext
Head of Year 11
Miss Shiel
Assistant Headteacher
Miss Howard
The Early Help Hub
If you are concerned about your child as well as contacting the school you can also contact the Early Help Hub (EHH). Visit their website to find for more information : Early help – Cornwall Council
What Is The Early Help Hub?
The ‘front door’ to Early Help services led by Cornwall Council and Cornwall Foundation Trust. Staff within the Early Help Hub will decide whether the child / young person is eligible for support and which service is most appropriate. This is usually in discussion with the person making the request and / or young person / family.
Who is eligible for Early Help services?
Children and young people who are aged pre-birth to 18. If a young person has a special educational need or disability, who have a need for early help care and support, this is extended up to age 25.
Who can request Early Help services?
- Professionals, parents and young people can request early help.
- Parents/carers must have Parental Responsibility (PR) if requesting a service for a child.
- Young people must be old enough to consent for support themselves (aged 13 or above).
Parents and/or professionals can request:
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Early Support – Supporting Change in Partnership (SCIP)
- Early Years Service
- Family Group Conferencing
- Family Support
- Health Visiting(over 2 years) (including ASD, ADHD, Tics, and learning, sensory and coordination difficulties)
- Parenting Support
- Portage
- School Nursing
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Targeted Youth Support