16-19 Bursaries
Schools and colleges across the country receive from the government a bursary fund for learners in post 16 education and training.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training post-16. It also aims to eliminate the gap in attainment that currently exists nationally between students from poorer and more affluent backgrounds. This is the overarching principle on which decisions regarding the bursary fund will be made.
There are two types of Bursary and you may apply for one only.
Bursaries for Defined Vulnerable Groups
A Bursary for Defined Vulnerable Groups of £1,200 is available for those most in need. These are young people in care, care leavers, young people receiving income support or Universal Credit and disabled young people receiving both: –
- (a) Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit
- (b) Disability Living Allowance and/or Personal Independence Payment.
Discretionary Bursary
The Discretionary Bursary will be made available to students facing genuine financial barriers to participation in education. Typically, this will be an award to support the costs of transport, meals (we can arrange for the funding to be put into their cashless catering account), books or equipment, re-sit exam fees, additional course costs i.e. trips.
The income threshold for this award may vary slightly depending on the number of applications. As a guideline, in previous years this has been granted where the total household income is less than £30,000 per annum.
Applications to the 16-19 Bursary Scheme
Eligibility forms and Application forms for bursary awards can be obtained from our Sixth Form Administrator. Students and their parents/carers will need to complete the form and provide the necessary evidence for the College’s Finance Team to assess whether a student is eligible. Completed application forms with all the required information should be submitted to the Sixth Form Administrator by the deadlines published. An ORIGINAL copy of the relevant documents/s is required, we will take a copy and securely file it, the original will be returned to you.
Proof of total household income will be required, for example:
- Parent’s P60 tax certificate if they are in employment
- Evidence of self-employment income
- Benefit and/or Tax Credit Award notices