Behaviour / Tiers / StoE
Behaviour – Aims and Objectives
We want our students to be ‘inspiring, optimistic learners’. In order to do this, we need to ensure that.
- There is a strong positive ethos that deters poor behaviour that prevents students accessing learning and the curriculum.
- Behaviour is not a barrier to learning and progress.
- We adopt a consistent approach to managing behaviour of unacceptable incidents.
- Our focus is ensuring that we encourage behaviours needed for learning.
- Our focus is ensuring that we promote the emotional health and wellbeing of all of our students and staff.
The college has a system in place to support students who need additional help to bring about positive changes in their behaviour this is known as the Tiered System there are 5 tiers to this.
- Tier 1 – Tutor behaviour contract (TBC) student will be monitored weekly by tutor
- Tier 2 – Student’s behaviour is monitored weekly by the House Leader of Learning (HLOL)
- Tier 3 – Referral will be made from HLOL if student fails to improve their behaviour. Tier 3 will be managed daily by the Student Support Centre via a daily progress card and contact with parents. The expectation is that the student will achieve 95% daily on their progress card. Student and parents will be expected to meet with the Governors, Deputy Head teacher and Student Support Manager to review with actions to remain at current tier, move up or down.
- Tier 4 – Student will be managed daily by Student Support Centre and placed on a ‘0’ tolerance plan. Governors will review student’s placement at the college with parents the Deputy Head teacher and Student Support Manager with actions agreed to move up down or remain on current Tier.
- Tier 5 – student will be managed moved to another school or other appropriate placement or permanently excluded from the college.
Stage to Exclusion
Stages to exclusion (StE) runs alongside our current Tier 1 – 5 system which is our support and intervention mechanism.
The aim of the StE process is to have clear stages of consequence should a student exhibit unacceptable behaviour. This can be for a one off incident or a prolonged period of refusal to follow the college behaviour policy.
Students can be placed on a stage at any point and could be for things like persistent disruption, aggression, rudeness to staff, smoking, fighting or extreme / very concerning behaviour.
The StE will provide a clear and transparent system that allows students, parents and staff to know precisely how a student is progressing towards a permanent exclusion / managed move.
Early identification of a student not meeting college expectations is key. For example: a student will go onto Stage 1, as soon as their behaviour warrants Tier 2 support and HLOL involvement. Stage one will be reviewed at approximately 6 weeks by the HLOL / AHT.
To reiterate the stage process. There are 5 stages, (5 being of significant concern) students can be placed on any stage if their behaviour deteriorates or they are involved in a serious incident. They can be moved through the stages to exclusion not necessarily sequentially.
Additionally, following a positive review student can be moved down a stage or removed completely if there are no concerns.
At Torpoint Community College we take great pride in the pastoral care that we provide to all of our students; their safety, well-being and happiness are of paramount importance in helping them to achieve their full potential.
Our anti-bullying approach is an integral part of the pastoral care package it forms a holistic network of support led by our House Leaders and encompassing tutors, teaching staff, parents and the College Leadership Team.
For more information and guidance about how we keep young people safe and happy here at TCC please follow the links to our anti-bullying policy, guidance for parents, guidance for students, B1 – bullying concern reporting form.