Medical Information for Parents
Important Information Regarding Medication in College
The Medical Room can be found in the staff corridor off the Main Hall beside reception, with a disabled bathroom and shower facility next door.
It is staffed throughout the day by qualified first aiders who have up to date Level 3 first aid at work certificates. They can be contacted on extension 202. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s health, please don’t hesitate to contact them.
Parents of students with ongoing medical concerns will be asked to fill in a health form in order to complete a personalised medical plan, to help support the student in college. This plan will be updated yearly.
Any students that feel unwell need to go to the medical room, where the reasons can be recorded, and parents contacted. Students are not to contact parents directly to pick them up, without the college being aware.
Students should not carry any medication on their person other than inhalers. If a student requires medication during College hours, a medication form needs to be completed by parents with clear instructions of frequency and dosage. This form needs to be passed to the medical room along with the medications and will be stored in a locked cupboard. (please see medications attachment.) Students with Asthma are encouraged to carry their own inhalers, but we ask parents to fill out a parental agreement form to enable us to use a College inhaler should their own be unavailable.
Health forms, medication and asthma forms can be downloaded from the website or obtained from College reception.
We have a school nurse that is available by appointment on a Monday in College. Appointments can be made via SSC or Mrs Lear.
Other Medical and Wellbeing Services Contact Details
Early Help Hub
Tel: 01872 322779 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
24/7 NHS mental health response line (free) 0800 038 5300
Livewell Southwest
Tel: 01752 434008
Young people under 18 can get 24/7 mental health support 01752 435122