
Our Vision

Careers Education gives young people the knowledge and skills to help them to choose 14-19 pathways that are appropriate for their needs and helps them to manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives. It is an essential part of our College ethos and mission statement; ‘inspiring optimistic learners’, and contributes to students’ overall wellbeing so that they feel supported throughout their secondary education and prepared to make positive, informed transitions to Further or Higher Education, Apprenticeship or Employment.

Our Career provision at Torpoint Community College meets its statutory duty by providing careers education in Years 7 – 13 and by enabling students to access impartial information, advice and guidance.

The intent of our Careers Provision is to provide a stable careers programme, to raise aspirations, and to inspire and motivate all students to succeed. We do this with careers education embedded within discrete PSHEe lessons, supplemented by career activities within the tutor programme, with opportunities for further study and career opportunities highlighted across the curriculum Students will experience a range of career encounters including employer encounters, insights into Further and Higher Education establishments, and take part in events with outside agencies, including; NSSW (Next Steps South West), NCS (National Citizen Service), and Ask Apprenticeships, and complete work experience with an employer during their journey through the College. We aim to use local and national labour market information about the ever-evolving world of work to enable students to make informed career related decisions about their next steps and longer-term goals.

Our Careers Leader is Davina Bray. If you have any queries about careers, higher education or work experience please contact her on 01752 812511 or

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