Healthy Schools
At Torpoint Community College (TCC) we believe that all our learners have the right to be physically, mentally, and socially healthy and to learn within an environment that promotes this ethos and allows them to reach their full potential.
The College has been re-accredited as a Healthy School and in addition to this, we hold the Healthy School Plus Award for our ongoing commitment to Healthy School Projects and initiatives. For example; our work for The Food Revolution Day, which focused on the benefits of a healthy diet on physical and academic success. The week prior to Food Revolution Day included tutor group healthy eating activities, a nutritionist guest speaker in all house assemblies and a collapsed timetable in the morning for Year 7 students who took part in taste testing sessions, watching cooking demonstrations and also making the Jamie Oliver recipe of the day; the ‘Squash it Sandwich’. Furthermore, local suppliers sponsored the College Canteen by providing seasonal produce and new initiative dishes were made for students to try all that week, with extremely positive feedback.
At TCC we know that healthy students are better learners and we flourish in every opportunity to support this; both in and outside of the classroom. Furthermore, we understand that being a Healthy School is much more than just healthy eating and physical activity, but rather a healthy school is one that works together, going beyond the classroom and involving the whole community.
Life Long Success
At TCC we pride ourselves in ensuring that all our learners are supported to be physically, mentally and socially healthy and that they develop the necessary life skills for long-term success. This is achieved in many ways, but to name a few; our outstanding range of extra-curricular activities offered to students after College, as well as the variety of subjects on offer to students. In particular the PE and Food Technology subject areas, focus on the importance of Healthy Eating and physical exercise, as well as the consequences of poor diet choices on long term health. This has been further supported by the College Canteen, whom comply with the June 2015 Food Standard Regulations and prides itself on preparing and cooking, nutritious, seasonal, local and delicious healthy meals for both students and staff. With fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains served every day. Furthermore, all energy and fizzy/coke drinks have been banned in College and we have noted a huge improvement of pupil concentration in lessons.
The introduction of Cashless Catering has also encouraged more students to purchase a home cooked school meal from the canteen and the feedback student representatives from the Student Council who work with the Health and Wellbeing Committee and College Catering Manager, to help create a healthy, popular menu for students and staff.