Marjon Endeavour: FREE Year 11 Maths and English attainment-raising revision programme.
This FREE opportunity is open to Year 11 students and will run during the Easter holiday, from Tuesday 11th April to Friday 14th April 2023. The programme is designed to support attainment-raising in English and Maths, while developing study skills, wellbeing strategies and introducing participants to Higher Education.
The project aims to prepare young people for their upcoming GCSE exams and help improve their academic outcomes. Marjon Endeavour will be led by the Marjon Outreach team, academic staff, current PGCE students and Student Ambassadors.
If you have any queries, please contact Marjon by emailing Applications will close at 5:00pm on Monday 20th March 2023.
Information and a link to the application form can be found on the Marjon’s ‘Upcoming Events’ page here.