With effect from Monday 5th June, the College will be trialling a new timetable in which it reverts to a single break and lunch time similar to what was in place pre-COVID. There is no change to the start and finish times of the school day, but both break and lunch times will be extended by 10 minutes to accommodate the increased number of students using the dining hall at any one time. It will also provide additional time at lunch for enrichment activities to take place. Please see the timings below.
This change, with all students in lessons at exactly the same time, will allow for an increase in the number and type of enrichment activities that can be offered during lunch times. For those students wishing to attend lunch time activities, we would encourage them to bring in a packed lunch as no passes will be given to gain early entry to the canteen. Students entitled to free school meals will be able to book a packed lunch through the Catering Team. There will be two sittings introduced at lunchtimes and aligned to your child’s timetable so they have will have an early and later sitting in alternate weeks.
We understand that some students will need a little time to adjust to the new timings, as there will be year groups who have never experienced the single break and lunch at the College. Information will be shared with students in assemblies and during tutor time prior to the May half term break, and support given to individuals where necessary. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Jeremy Plumb