PSHEe: Personal Social Health and Economics Education
Our Vision
PSHEe is a vital part of the college’s curriculum supporting the spiritual moral, social and cultural awareness of our students and their personal development as they transition from primary to secondary education and helps prepare our students for their next steps in their pathways towards further education and employment and their future adult lives.
PSHEe aims to ensure students can embrace change, feel positive about who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. We want students to have a good understanding of the lifestyle choices that can impact their health, how to value and promote their own physical and mental health, to have learnt and practised First Aid skills, to have considered how to deal with difficult situations and times in their lives and know where to get further advice and support. Students will have considered their own skills and qualities and how to develop them in order to be ready for the world of work. They will have a deeper understanding and knowledge of issues such as discrimination, personal safety and the importance and value of healthy relationships.
We base our curriculum on:
- The PSHE Association’s programme of study for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 updated for the PSHE 2000 curriculum
- CDI Career Development Institute’s Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education (April 2021)
- The Gatsby benchmarks for effective careers provision
- The statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (July 2019)
Three Strands To PSHEe
Health and Wellbeing


Living in the Wider World

Key Concepts

Our Provision
The PSHEe curriculum is supplemented by working with a range of external partners including:

- The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC)
- CSW Group
- Ask Apprenticeships
- Next Steps South West (NSSW)
- Exeter University
- Falmouth University
- Real Ideas Organisation (RIO)
- Brook—the young people’s charity for sexual health
- AddAction (We are with you/YZUP)
- British Heart Foundation (BHF)

The tutor programme complements the PSHE curriculum, for example Key Stage 4 tutors complete sessions on careers with their tutor groups and use a Careers toolkit.

The College’s Employer Adviser Network has its own development plan, supporting the careers education delivered within PSHEe to plan events and encounters and opportunities for students in line with the Gatsby benchmarks for effective careers provision. We are supported by our Enterprise Coordinator from the CEC, Lucy Wooldridge and Enterprise Advisor, Julie Putman (CIOB).
All students receive a login to use Unifrog and are also introduced to the Career Pilot careers platform by NSSW.
KS3 PSHE Curriculum
Curriculum Breakdown
Year 7
Transition to Secondary School
- Moving on to Secondary School
- Skills, Qualities, Self-esteem, and Friendships
- Coping with transition and where to find help, information, advice, and guidance
- Introduction to online career platforms: Career Pilot and Unifrog
- College Values – Caring for the College environment
- Healthy Schools – our canteen, making healthier choices
- Anti-bullying Week
Staying Safe
- Personal Safety inside and outside of college
- Fire Safety and Beach Safety
- Bike Safety and Railway Safety
- Road Safety Week – Road Safety and Travelling Safely
- E-Safety: online safety
- Knife Safety
- Sun Safety Awareness
- Halloween and Firework Safety
Healthy Living – Health Education
- Healthy Eating
- Healthy Choices
- Why do people smoke? Tobacco
- Alcohol Awareness
- Safer Internet Day Focus
- Drugs Education
- Puberty – Emotional health
- Puberty – Changes
- Caring for your body including dental health
- Dealing with Arguments and Conflicts in relationships, relationship boundaries
Managing Money
- What is banking?
- Financial Services – making financial choices
- Budgeting
- Careers: Unifrog: What are Skills?
- Who am I? Skills and Qualities and info on employment law for young people
- Finding out about different Careers
- What does great learning look like? Unifrog revision: good vs bad revision activity
- Unifrog: What’s your dream job?
- LMI Labour Market Information
Year 8
Differences, Diversity and Prejudice
- What is diversity? What is prejudice?
- Discrimination in all its forms: racism, religious discrimination, disability, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia
- Challenging Stereotypes
- Routes to Employment
- Career Sectors Unifrog interests activity
- LMI Labour market Information
- Unifrog: University vs apprenticeships – The big debate
- Unifrog: Transferable Skills
Money Matters
- Earning Money – Payslips and Financial Security
- Budgeting and Money over a lifetime
- Understanding Debt/Gambling including online gambling
First Aid – BHF Heart Start
- The Conscious Casualty
- The Unconscious Casualty
- Cardiac Arrest
- Suspected Heart Attack
- Choking and Severe Bleeding
- Blood Donation
- Healthy Lifestyles Choices: Sleep and Physical Activity and unhealthy choices, where to find help and support
- Understanding Alcohol
- Risky Behaviour and Alcohol
- Drugs Awareness
Healthy Relationships
- Friendships and positive relationships (CSE)
- Boyfriends and Girlfriends Talking about Sex and Relationships, Gender identity
- Self-esteem and relationships and if things go wrong
- HP Cervical Cancer vaccination
- Contraception
- What is FGM?
Finding Out About
- Your community: rights and responsibilities – including using social media
- Dealing with stress and emotions
- Cancer
- Eating disorders
- Coping with bereavement
Year 9
- Setting goals
- Transition to key stage 4 – what are your options? What are your skills and qualities?
- Unifrog: Subject library treasure hunt
- Safe Working Practices and Environments: The Law and work
- Exploring views about Drugs/The Law and Drugs
- Health and Substance Use: Managing Influences
- The Effects of Drugs: Alcohol and Cannabis
- Families and parenting
- Recognising and managing risk -consent and the law, attitudes towards sex and impact of the media and pornography
- Contraceptives and STIs
- Sexuality: LBGTQIA+
- HIV Awareness
Mental health and Wellbeing
- Media Images and your images online – digital footprint and privacy
- Gender and Body Image
- Self-esteem/mental health
- Peer Pressure and Gangs
- Self-harming
- Guide to finances and Paying Tax
KS4 PSHE Curriculum
Curriculum Breakdown
Year 10
Mental health and Emotional Wellbeing
- New Challenges
- Reframing Negative Thinking
- Recognising mental ill health and when to get help
- Promoting emotional wellbeing
Drug and Alcohol Education
- Substance use and assessing risk
- Substance use and managing influence
- Help seeking and sources of support
Relationships RSE
- Ground Rules and Consent
- Positive online relationships
- Long term commitments
- The legal status of marriage
- Parenting
- Working out relationships
Living in the Wider World
- Internet Citizens
- Extremism and Radicalisation
- Unifrog – personality quiz
- Post 16 Options
- Interview Skills
- CV Writing
Year 11
Living in the wider world and Careers
- Managing Online Presence
- Understanding the Workplace
- Finances and Consumer Rights
- Careers – next steps and NCS
- Careers – longer term plans
Health Education
- Keeping yourself healthy and unhealthy coping techniques
- Personal Safety and First Aid
- Health Awareness – Managing Risks (Aesthetic procedures)
- Health Awareness (breast and testicular cancer), Health Information and Services
Relationships RSE
- Fertility and routes to parenthood
- Pregnancy outcomes
- Pregnancy choices
- Relationship Abuse